Quick assistance quite easily via remote maintenance
An error has occurred. The machine has stopped working. You have to deal with it immediately, because an unplanned downtime means money lost. In such a case, quick help is offered by the UNTHA Remote Service: in the case of technical problems, our highly qualified support engineers are at your disposal online.

What benefits can you expect?
We will provide you with immediate, solution-orientated information on your machine, with extremely short reaction times.
Our remote service provides fast problem diagnoses and qualified assistance and support around the globe.
If required, service calls around the world may be planned immediately.
You would like to receive more information on our UNTHA services, get in touch with our service experts or book this service directly? Then you have come to the right place!
Everything from a single source
With UNTHA Lifetime Support, we provide you with support throughout the entire product life cycle and offer you comprehensive service products for maximum machine availability. Be it regular maintenance work, providing original spare parts and wearing parts or our individual carefree packages, we ensure that UNTHA machines are ready for use at all times and do what they were built for – namely reliable shredding.