Our shredders are perfectly suited for the tough and aggressive materials found in hospitals and other hazardous waste.
UNTHA shredders can be used for processing decontaminated infections waste or can be integrated directly into a waste shredding and decontamination system. After processing, the material is unrecognizable and is suitable for disposal with ordinary waste.

Find the right shredder

Medical and other hazardous wastes include a wide range of infections and otherwise hazardous materials. These materials require special handling to ensure that there is no chance of environmental contamination.
Depending on the waste type or classification, the hospital may disinfect waste on site or store it for off-site handling.
Changing circumstances like the current pandemic can cause the types and amount of waste to change, such as the current influx of test materials and PPE, all of which need to be disposed of safely and properly.

The solution
Along with hospital waste, many other types of hazardous waste exist that also require special handling.
Hazardous waste can range from workshop waste to used oil filters or chemical drums.
UNTHA shredders ensure complete and contained destruction of contaminated materials.
UNTHA four shaft shredders have proven their ability to shred the toughest materials over the past 50 years. Our customers rely on the low maintenance requirements and relatively quiet and low dust generation, which improve the customer’s operating environment.
Properly processed, this type of waste can be used as RDF or disposed of with everyday waste.